
"I don't want to come home!"

You're probably thinking that it's this baby I'm carrying and he just hasn't wanted to "come home" but I'm actually talking about Giana. More on the baby in a minute.

We sent Giana to Cleveland last weekend to spend four days with Dominic's Mom, Dad and sister. My blood pressure was rising and my swelling was getting bad. So after spending a few hours in labor and delivery at 37 weeks, I was sent home on bed rest in order to continue to carry the baby a little longer. Giana had so much fun in Cleveland but we missed her so much. I was talking to her on the phone and she told me she didn't want to come home. I guess going to a parade, carnival, swimming, a play date with her cousin, riding bikes, water coloring, etc...would make one three year old pretty happy. We are thankful to have the help and I'm glad she had fun.

While Giana was away, I obeyed the doctors orders and was able to get my blood pressure down and the swelling has subsided. Dominic and I did make a run to Der Dutchman for dinner and I brought back a whole butterscotch pie. YUM! We've been taking it very easy the past week and I'm happy to report that I just past 38 weeks and the baby and I are both doing well. He seems very content to stay put. I'm uncomfortable...didn't carry Giana this long so this is new territory for me. It's difficult to sleep and I feel like I live in a bathroom because he's resting on my bladder. I wanted to make it to August and here we are. A c-section has been scheduled for this coming Saturday, August 7th. So unless baby decides to arrive on his own this week, we will have a son in 6 days (or less!)

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