
Six Month Baby Belly

Picture courtesy of Giana. If you are interested in her work, please visit www.gianaphotos.com. Ha! I just had to post this. It's special to me.

Giana took this picture about two weeks ago. I'm feeling good and the pregnancy is going well. Preeclamsia had set in by this point in my pregnancy with Giana and there are no signs of it this time around. I'm thankful for that. Maybe, just maybe, I can get this little guy to full term. He moves a lot and it's so cool to feel him all the time. I don't remember feeling Giana move around like this. His prime time schedule seems to be between 8:00pm and midnight...right after Giana is fast asleep. Please tell me he's not a night owl. I've been wearing maternity clothes now for a few weeks but haven't gained any weight. Actually, I lost 10 pounds in my first trimester and have gained 9 pounds back...so I suppose I've gained weight but in my mind I like to think that I haven't. It's all in the numbers. I start my third trimester in a little over a week. Where did the time go?

We've got a lot going on over the next two months and the best part is that we have found a place to live and will be moving out of our apartment in the middle of June. I'm happy that I can set up a nursery for the baby and get Giana situated with her own space and toy room. There's nothing like packing and moving at 7+ months pregnant but we'll make the best of it. I work well under pressure. :)

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