After 4 home offers fell through for one reason or another, we decided to move into an apartment and take our time looking for a house. We moved in on May 1st. I have to say that I wasn’t thrilled about living in an apartment but now that we’ve moved in, we are really enjoying it. It’s a new place with a nice swimming pool and it’s close to my Mom and Dominic’s work. Giana loves her new room. We moved her from a crib into a toddler bed. She is very proud of her new bed, although the transition wasn’t as easy as I had hoped for. We are feeling a little more settled now and it’s nice to have our family life back to normal.
Shortly after we moved in, Giana came down with a very high fever. It wasn’t going away so I took her to the Children’s Urgent Care where she was diagnosed with Hand, Foot and Mouth disease. She was pretty miserable but we made it through. The following night, she woke up around midnight with a high fever and gasping for air. I thought it might be croup but needed to be sure. Dominic and I took her to the emergency room at 1am and sure enough, she had croup. After a breathing treatment, steroid and lung x-ray, we were able to bring her home. A few days later, she got a bad cold and still had a fever on and off. After nine long days, I took her to the pediatrician to make sure she was okay. 9 days is a long time to have a fever. She is doing much better now, but may have a urinary tract infection. Lovely. When will it end?
We missed my niece’s confirmation in Maryland because we spent the night before we were leaving in the ER. I was in no shape to being driving after being up all night and Giana was too sick to be in the car. My mom was her confirmation sponsor and I was her ride to get there. She was able to catch a last minute flight and made it for the event. I feel terrible for missing it but we just couldn’t be there. Love you, Katie! This also happened to be Mother’s Day weekend so needless to say; we stayed home with our sick daughter. After all, she is why I am able to celebrate Mother’s Day. I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.
My sister, Julie and her family are in town now and we’ve been having a great time with the kids. We went to the circus on Saturday and we’ve been to the park, swimming, cooking out and enjoying this beautiful weather. Giana loves her cousins and she is having a great time.
We’re off to Cleveland for Memorial Day weekend to visit with Dominic’s family. It will be nice to see his family and spend a few days with them. His brother is coming to town from Atlanta and I think some golfing, beer (wine for me) and cook outs are in order.
Up next…a trip to Vegas! Dominic and I are headed out west from 5/30-6/4. I can’t wait! The babysitters (aka Grandma, Grandpa, Mom-Mom and Aunt Deanna) are lined up and we are free to do as we please! A much needed trip for the two of us. Here’s hoping we return a little darker, richer and well rested!
1 comment:
glad to hear that she is better. I am so sorry that all of that happened....it always seems to happen all at once. I hope you have a wonderful time in Vegas!!!
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